Last updated 9 Feb 2025, 13:30:09 UTC

Buckey ("Immer locker durch die Hose atmen ;-) Meine Stats")
Brian Uitti ("I am the team leader for Project Blue Book. We do Science! All are welcome to join...")
bcavnaugh (" Crunching@EVGA The Number One Team in the BOINC Community. Folding@EVGA The Number One...")
Boogyman Munster ("Howdy Y'all!! My name is Bob. I am from, and have now retired to South Carolina, USA! I am...")
Bazooka_CZ ("old computer freak :D Upload: 60Mbps * Download: 60Mbps * Since 2009 on platform...")
ber7 ("In dem Augenblick, in dem ein Mensch den Sinn und den Wert des Lebens bezweifelt, ist er...")
Bill F ("I am an old Techie that worked for the same high tech service company through mergers, name...")

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